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How Can Fintech Support the Asset Management Value Chain?

Come to see us in Brussels on the 10th of October. Davide Martucci, our CEO, will explain what technology innovation can bring to the Asset Management middle and back-office at the Fintech Belgium meetup

Published on 10th of October 2019

Fanni Koncz


The Asset Management industry is the next candidate to be totally transformed by digitalization for the benefit of all stakeholders. Want to embrace this great challenge?

AI has spread to all levels of the Asset Management: investment, support functions, reporting, compliance and so forth. While digital transformation of Asset Management is not an it’s no easy task, it is however possible.

Deep learning tools, robo-advisors, analytical tools, smartphone applications and algorithm-based portfolio management software support the tasks of asset managers and simplify the access of their services for customers – including reduced costs and availability around the clock.

How can Asset Managers & machines work together and improve processes and services? Regulatory obligations (KYC, MiFID2), compliance, asset allocation, security selection, etc.

Join us to know more about the benefits from the use of FinTech and how to implement it.

Get inspired by Muriel Faure, Head of Innovation Committee at AFG (Association Française de Gestion Financière) about how the French industry coped with these challenges and know more about how AFG played a crucial role in bringing the AM industry & fintechs together.

The keynote will be followed by Fintechs enlightening the audience with their pitches & testimonials.